If you should ever have the pleasure of meeting Milinda Richardson face to face, you’re sure to find yourself amazed at just how fast this vivacious muscular blonde wins you over with her grace and charm.
We took a break between her Muscle PinUps photo shoot (it was actually during her hair and makeup session) to get up close and a little personal with her again! We call it Quick Hits! Milinda’s honesty is both refreshing and poignant.
Where do you see yourself in five years? Without a doubt, I’ll be an I.F.B.B. Pro. What is the first thing men notice about you? That’s easy, my ass! What is your ethnicity? Swedish. What are your measurements? 36c – 29 – 38. What is your zodiac sign? Virgo. If you could, Hawaii or the Caribbean? Hawaii. Paris or Rome? Paris. Coffee or tea? Coffee. Cats or dogs? Dogs. Baseball or football? Football. Missionary or doggie – style? Doggie – style! Musclehead or brainiac? Musclehead. Favorite junk food? Popcorn. Favorite color? Green. Favorite sex toy? The Rabbit! What is the name of your website? Darksidemilinda.com
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