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 Describe your first on-camera scene with a girl. It was kinda like the first time I had sex with a guy. You fumble around, you don’t quite know what you’re doing. I thought I knew what I liked. That helped. We just tried different things, didn’t follow the script at all. Some worked, and some didn’t. It was light and fun and girly! Of course, with muscles!  How did you feel the next day?  Shy. Embarrassed isn’t the right word, because we weren’t embarrassed. We were more like, oh wow, we finally did it! Can you believe it? The fans are going to love it. Now let’s do it again for today’s scenes. And we did.  What are the prevailing judgment issues held against those women in your profession?  I’m assuming you’re referring to the wonderful Christian Coalition?  Not that extreme. While out socially, is there a certain amount of  judgment directed towards you?  Oh, absolutely. I’ve become comfortable with it. Society as a whole is getting a better grip on sexuality, and it’s more mainstream. So, people aren’t quite as bad. Then again, nobody expects that the female bodybuilder you’re talking to in a club says ‘I make adult movies, and I have several adult mega-sites,’ when asked what she does. Nobody ever thinks they are actually talking to that girl. My way of dealing with it is, ‘This is what I do for a living, and this is who I am.’ So, nobody thinks you girls are allowed in public. There’s a special Camelot for you, that you never come out of.  We’re not normal people. Just look at us. My god! As if we don’t go to the grocery store, or we don’t have to go to the bank. We’re not real people. People have preconceived ideas about girls in our business, and why they do what they do, and why women would want to look like they do. People think the girls in the industry were abused as children, or have some kind of problem, or they were broke. Money is a big thing that the public always blames. They needed the cash. It was a quick buck. They think we all do social drugs as well as too many male hormones (steroids). That we have no morals, no real lives.  And the true story is what?  I wasn’t abused as a child. Overall, most of the girls who work with me are pretty normal. There’s a few that are big party animals. Some are stereotypical, flaky, big-boobed blondes who don’t care about anything besides steroids and working out. They’re out there. My company as a whole frowns on things like social drugs. I live a very “clean” lifestyle. I had a normal life, my parents have always supported me in everything I’ve ever done including the adult business. I’ve been blessed with an awesome family. I don’t have a big, dark, evil secret hidden away somewhere.  Describe the value of your fan base.  The fans are so extremely important. If it weren’t for the fans, I wouldn’t have this really cool life. Or done any of the wonderful things I’ve done over the past seventeen years.  What is your view on the perception of you versus your perception of yourself ?  They perceive me – at the risk of sounding conceited – from what I’ve heard, and the reviews that I’ve read, as the Queen of Muscle Erotica who is as approachable as the girl next door. They can come up to me at an expo or at a convention and say “Hi” and talk to me. I try very hard to remember names, so I can say ‘Hello, how are you doin’? I’m always friendly. That’s just my personality. I guess that answers a little of both your questions. They perceive me one way, but it’s also the way I am.

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